Incense Fragrances

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Perfumes and colognes featuring rich, resinous and aromatic incense notes. Derived from woods and resins, incense imbues mystical and mysterious not-so-smoky-smoke notes to fragrance. Ranging from spicy to sweet to earthy to "churchy", this is perfumed smoke at it's finest.

1 product

1 product

Al-Dukhan by Régime des Fleurs | Al-Dukhan 75ml Eau de Parfum in a clear, cylindrical glass bottle with a spherical 'ball' cap that is smoke grey. Régime des Fleurs Al-Dukhan Eau de Parfum printed on white, shield shaped label in black type, centered across front of bottle.
Al-Dukhan by Régime des Fleurs | 75ml bottle  of Al-Dukhan shown with imagery conveying the mood, materials, and persona inspiring the scent
Smoldering oud on a slab of cool white marble
Régime des Fleurs
$ 10.00 - $ 240.00