Régime des Fleurs

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Based in New York and Paris, Régime des Fleurs is known for their unique take on luxury fragrance. The high-concept niche perfumes come in beautifully designed packaging and draw inspiration from nature, history, and art. Founder Alia Raza began pursuing an obsession with flowers and passion for perfume after a notable career as a filmmaker and artist whose work explored beauty and fragrance as ritual.

Read about Régime des Fleurs' striking green fragrance, Rock River Melody, in this 2021 Q&A with Alia Raza

1 product

1 product

Falling Trees by Régime des Fleurs | Falling Trees 75ml Eau de Parfum in a clear, cylindrical glass bottle with a spherical white cap
Falling Trees by Régime des Fleurs | Falling Trees 75ml Eau de Parfum in a clear, cylindrical glass bottle with a spherical white cap. Background of golden, glowing grove of trees
Falling Trees
Woody, balsamic & luminous scent of the forest
Régime des Fleurs
$ 10.00 - $ 240.00